IIDSS “Enhancing Defense Cooperation to Deal with Terrorism, Cyber Threats and Natural Disaster”

Indonesia International Defense Science Seminar (IIDSS) is a seminar that focuses on defense science, hosted by Indonesia Defense University (IDU). The year 2019 is the third edition, which focusing on security, stability, and humanity affairs issues and related subjects to defense studies and defense technologies.

The third IIDSS’ theme is Enhancing Defense Cooperation to Deal with Terrorism, Cyber Threats and Natural DisasterThe IIDSS event is divided into two main parts: (1) IIDSS Seminar to be held in the first day (8 July 2019) at the Borobudur Hotel Jakarta, and (2) Call Papers Presentations to be held in the second day (9 July 2019) at the IDU Main Campus Sentul Bogor. The Seminar of the first day will consist of two sessions: the first session will cover the topics of Terrorism and Cyber Security, while the second session will focus on Humanitarian Assistance and Disaster Relief. Topics for Call Papers on the second day will be broken down from the two seminar sessions into more specific topics but connected to the contexts and conceptions of new strategy, policy, management and technology inovation. In this event, professional and experienced speakers from Indonesia and overseas are provided opportunities to present topics according to latest defense affair of the world.

STIE IPWIJA participated in the Indonesian International Defense Science Seminar by representing its lecturers to give paper presentations.
Dr. Sri Lestari Prasilowati, M.A. & Taufik, M.M. (“Terror Management, Economic Growth and Islamic Prospects towards world peace”) as a speaker at STIE IPWIJA presented a paper in the second session of the Call Paper.
IIDSS was held by Sentul Defense University on July 8-9, 2019

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